I use ‘weird’ words. Weird turns of phrase too but mainly weird words. By weird, of course, I mean uncommon or in a different context than you’d expect. Also Weird doesn’t exist. This isn’t out of some weird intellectual superiority complex, or a desire to raise my own status, and I CERTAINLY do not look down on anyone who doesn’t know what the hell I’m talking about.

I do this for several reasons

  1. I like words. Unique ones, ones that are fun to say, overly specific ones, you name it.

    • I’ve been collecting words and phrases that I like for almost a decade at this point of which the full list can be found with all my other new words. I’m pretty shrewd with what I add there, I have to either enjoy the word or enjoy saying it.
  2. I dislike personal patterns, especially when it comes to conversation and speech. If I’ve said something before I’m probably going to try and find a different, more interesting (for me at least) way to say it again. This is an example of the joke machine mentality I grew up with and thrive in.

  3. I get a thrill when I can cleverly use a word, or convey an idea in a new and precise way.

  4. I read (and have read) a LOT in many different styles, eras, and genres.

  5. I spend time in many vastly different social circles; ones that each have very specific lingo and ways of communicating. Blending these speech patterns can result in fun new turns of phrase (see # 2).

    • How a designer communicates and talks if very different from how a RPI alum communicates which is also different from how an improviser communicates.