test text

Regular text Block reference ^T0xmwnBMP


${firstAlt} ${secondAlt}

Hover over me!

With some effort {{or:You|One}} can you write a transformer plugin to parse the markdown file for variations of text like {{or:these here|and this|and this too}}.

H1 Toggle markdown example

Hidden Explaining paragraphs
Hidden Explainer

H2 other stuff

some text

This is in part due to extenuating circumstances (ie my grandmother passed away suddenly) but also due to not understanding my own limitations? it also just wasn't very fun to work with something. I've been off more than I could chew and don't really love arbitrary deadlines. oh and work got insane randomly at the same time. truly a bad couple weeks


know, care, say


  • Obsidian
another tableanother column
more subtexteven more subtext
more subtexteven more subtext


Test 1

  • {{table}} zz
    • another table
      • another column
    • more subtext
      • even more subtext
    • more subtext
      • even more subtext

Regular text

{{or:You|One}} can you write a transformer plugin to parse the markdown file for variations of text like
{{or:these here|and this|and this too}}.

Here is a simple footnote My reference.. and some more text can alway go here. Would be interesting to see how that shakes out

A footnote can also have multiple lines To add line breaks within a footnote, prefix new lines with <br>.
This is a second line with an image too added an image here too


This is a callout!


This is a note!


This is an abstract!

Callouts can have custom titles

Like this one.

Title-only callout

Can callouts be nested?

Yes!, they can.

You can even use multiple layers of nesting.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet